Monday, December 8, 2008


well for thanksgiving we went over to a members house for about two hours very good food. we then went over to the collage and played some foot ball on there field. it was just the 4 missinays that played. the next day we got up and went to play some more football over at a members house for a few hours. the next few days it was not so pretty to see us walking because the pain that we were in. it has really start to get cold here. the only problem is that it does not snow here but it rains. i have two months to my year mark left to go so its going by really quick. but i will talk to you all later and have a great day

1 comment:

Lambert's said...

Lance would have like playing football with you. Glad you are having a good time and getting fed. Time does fly by. Gage still asks to play with you, so that is good he still remembers. xoxo Lamberts