Monday, April 28, 2008

frist baptizm

the frist one name Failica cates 35 got baptizn on the 12 of April by Elder Brailsford. She is still strong and has came every week sicne and has been studing the scritputres and is doing good


breezy said...

Cody thats amazing! im so proud of you. :) You look good and happy. keep it up brother.

Cody Brailsford said...

thanks it was a really get expricne. she knows that this is the true chruch and loves to come every week.

Anonymous said...

well i guess the church is true. sorry i missed your call home. i did a catholic pligrmage for my b-day how cool is that i hiked up Chrough Patrick after St. Patrick the first saint from ireland.

Lambert's said...

Congratulations Cody! That has got to be a great feeling, to bring someone into the church. I am sure you are working hard. She looks really nice. You are very blessed to be on a mission and have that "spiritual high" all the time. We love you!


If you can, check out my pictures of the kids:

Jordon said...

Cody! good work man! hey i haven't gotten any letters in forever and i leave in two weeks. i'll email you my address hope to talk to ya soon.