Monday, March 10, 2008

i am here in maidsonville kentucky

i am out in the field. thing are going really good. food is not the best but i am the one who is making it. i have been here for a week now its the march 10. the people are really nice and the town is really small. there are only a 100 people in the ward. there is about 12000 people that live here. the town is really old. met some one lady that has lived here for 60 years in the same house and the house was in pretty bad shape. a lot of the house are rundown because they are so old. i have my first campaign is elder walker from ceder hills. so he lives really close to home. everything is going really good. we have about 15 people that we are teaching the lesson. they say that this mission get around 50 baptisms a month. it snow last Friday night we got around 6" to a foot. the whole town shut down for Friday night and Saturday morning. i have a car in my area right now so that nice. we are limit to 1000 miles in a month so we have to walk now and then. the area is rolling hills there is no mounations our anything in sight to see. there is a lot of pounds that have come up since all the rain they had this year. went into Indiana for stake conference Sunday.

that's all for now tell you next week what happens. Cody out


Lambert's said...

Hi Cody

Sounds like you are having a great time. Gage can't say Kentucky, he says "MyTucky" He also likes to look for it on the globe, although he always points to the legend and says, look mom - MyTucky. He also like to hear he primary song, I want to be a missionary. He thinks he is a missionary. We will send a letter to the mission home - is that where they go? xoxo Desiree

Cody Brailsford said...

yea just send the lenders to the mission home in case i move to a new area they will know before me and it won't sit at the apartment tell it gets sent back to the offices. thanks and it sounds like gage is having a fun time trying to find me. tell him i say hi, and that we will play trucks when i get back. love cody

Anonymous said...

greg here. what kind of car do you have. we drove around ford taurus and chevy malibus. i am goin into my last week of school and then off for the summer. i got invited to go with the construction mangement program to ireland. i am going for ten days may 5 -15 so i get to have my b day over there. pretty cool eh. anyway i am not sure if you prefer to talk here or your email address, let me know. it is starting to warm up in cedar i am trying to figure out the sprinker system but have not figured it out yet. i am hoping to get a internship here for the summer and stay in cedar. i am going to be taking some summer school as well that should be pretty nice i am looking foward to it. finals are rapping up quickly. on my mission we did a lot of service how many hours do yo do a week? see ya next week.