Monday, October 19, 2009
the starting of a great fall
well hello long time on see. well i am still in danville Ky. I have been here scenes march and i have served another transfers so i will be here tell at least the end of Nov. I am now serving with elder white. he has only been out for 9 months now so he is still green. we are teaching a lot of great people here. and there is a lot of nice members so it makes it a little nicer. Sunday the 18 was the first time this year we had to scrap snow off the front window of the car. and all week end we had coats on. but its going to get up in the high 60's again this week so that will be very nice. well i hope that you all have a great Halloween and enjoy the candy. and talk to you all later
Monday, March 16, 2009
leaving vincennes
hello every one its that time again i am getting transferred some where else in the mission i think that i am going to the other side and see what the world is over there. but i have been in vincennes now for 4 months now and the time is flying by. did have much happen the past little bit. the work has been hard but the time has been fun fitting against the cold and the rain but it hasn't been all that bad. it has been really fun had a lot of fun with the members and the other missionary's. i am need so where else and i will post that next week when i know were i will be and who i am with but see you all later and have a great day. Elder brailsford out.
Monday, February 16, 2009
hump day
will last week was my year. its werid but it has gone by really fast. i am still in vincennes id. i am serving with elder nielsen right now its the second transfer. the weather the past week has been very nice. not a lot has happen the past little bit. but the work goes on and i will see you all later and have a great day pace out.
Monday, January 5, 2009
the new year
hello every one and happy new year. its now 2009 and the year is going to go by very quick. we had a great chirstmas out here. we at breakfeast at the members house that we live at with the other missinarys. we then open preasents. i got some candy and a mot control car. i talk with me family that night and that was very nice. and for the new year eve we had lunch at the black buggy a omish beffet wich was very good food. then we went over to a members house and sang some crakoke till 9:30 and then came home and went to bed. so far this year has been very great we had a family to come out to church to see what it was like they seem to really like it. it is still cold here but i has been nice the past week. i havent seen any snow yet this year. i wish you all a great new year have a safe but fun time out there.
Monday, December 8, 2008
well for thanksgiving we went over to a members house for about two hours very good food. we then went over to the collage and played some foot ball on there field. it was just the 4 missinays that played. the next day we got up and went to play some more football over at a members house for a few hours. the next few days it was not so pretty to see us walking because the pain that we were in. it has really start to get cold here. the only problem is that it does not snow here but it rains. i have two months to my year mark left to go so its going by really quick. but i will talk to you all later and have a great day
Monday, November 17, 2008
vicennes indiana
i have moved to vicennes i was in henderson for just 6 weeks then i got to move out and get up to vicennes. it has really start to get cold here and it rain really bad last week and got half of the old testaments wet and now that part of the book is wavee. i am living with members here and we live in a little room in the back cronner of the house. about the size of my room back home. i am now the passager agian but moved over to a mazda 3 wtich is a nice little car. we are have a vist from Richard G Scott this coming weekend. in loiusville ky, and all the missinays in the whole mission are going to be at this one metting so that is going to very cool. i am staying in the mission home so i bet that i will be able to met with him the night before the metting. but that about everything this far. i have severed with three missionarys that have gone home now wtich is really weird. but what ever talk to you all later.
Monday, October 20, 2008
yea i am now in Henderson ky. this is my second area. in move 40 miles north from madisonville. the crazy this about this move is that i am still the the same disctrist. i have been out now for about 7 to 8 months some were around there. we spend a lot of the time tracting going house to house nocking doors. we are teaching a lot of poeple but most of the poeple here belong to some other church. i am severing with elder kiwika Franco he is from hawii and has been out about 2 months now. the town that i am in right now has a lot of history here they say the first mother day was here. i have might all kind of poeple here. one of the members went to high school with ron brailsford so that about the only one that know of the family so far. i am still close to the same wight i might have gain some but not much maybe a pound or two. not a lot of members feed us here so that help with the weight. i am now seviring in a branch and has been for the longest time. every one is relatie to one another. there are mostly two familys here. my shoes are starting to show some good wear and my tshirt too. but work goes on. well wirte to you all later and have a good time.
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