Monday, November 17, 2008

vicennes indiana

i have moved to vicennes i was in henderson for just 6 weeks then i got to move out and get up to vicennes. it has really start to get cold here and it rain really bad last week and got half of the old testaments wet and now that part of the book is wavee. i am living with members here and we live in a little room in the back cronner of the house. about the size of my room back home. i am now the passager agian but moved over to a mazda 3 wtich is a nice little car. we are have a vist from Richard G Scott this coming weekend. in loiusville ky, and all the missinays in the whole mission are going to be at this one metting so that is going to very cool. i am staying in the mission home so i bet that i will be able to met with him the night before the metting. but that about everything this far. i have severed with three missionarys that have gone home now wtich is really weird. but what ever talk to you all later.