Saturday, February 23, 2008

2-13-08 Letter from Cody

I need your mailing address and email address. Post them as a comment or even better, send me a letter and cookies.

We spend most of the time in class. It is just like being at bording school where you spend most of the time in class.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

farewell talk

The purpose of the gospel is to cleanse people of their sins so they can receive the savior’s mercy at the Day of Judgment. Therefore the focus of this book and, more important, the work you do each day is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, and enduring to the end.
The success of a good missionary is measured primarily by your commitment to find, teach, baptize, and confirm people and to help them become faithful members of the church who enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost. Some of the way you can tell if you have been a successful missionary when,
You feel the spirit testify to people through you.
Obey with exactness.
Live so that you can receive and know how to follow the spirit.
Work effectively every day, and do your very best to bring souls unto Christ.
Go about doing good and serving people at every opportunity, whether or not they accept your massage.
And develop Christ like attributes.
And now I am going to talk more about how to be more Christ like through my mission and life.
At the beginning of his mortal ministry, Jesus walked along the shore of the Sea of Galilee and called out to two fishermen, peter and Andrew. Follow me, He Said.
And I will make you fishers of men. The lord has also called you to his work, and he invites you to follow him. The restored gospel enables you to become like Heavenly father and Jesus Christ. The Savior has shown the way. He has set the perfect example and her commands us to become as he is. ( Now turn with me to 3 Nephi 27: 27)
First faith in Jesus Christ.
When you have faith in Christ, you believe in him as the son of God, the only begotten of the father in the flesh. You accept him as your savior and redeemer and follow his teachings. You believe that your sins can be forgiven through his atonement. Through faith you receive answers to your prayers and personal inspiration to guide you in the Lord’s work. Bible dictionary says. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true. In Alma 32 21 it says
Second Hope
Hope is an abiding trust that the lord will fulfill his promises to you. It is believing and expecting that something will occur. When you have hope, you work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for your good. The scriptures often describe hope in Jesus Christ as the assurance that you will inherit eternal life in the celestial kingdom. Moroni 7 40-42

Three Virtues
Virtue originates in your innermost thoughts and desires. It is a pattern of thought and behavior based on thigh moral standards. What you choose to think and do when you are alone and you believe no one is watching is a strong measure of your virtue. Virtuous people are clean and pure spiritually. They focus on righteous, uplifting thoughts and put unworthy thoughts that lead to inappropriate actions out of their minds. They obey god’s commandments and follow the counsel of Church leaders. They pray for the strength to resist temptation and do what is right. Your mind is like a stage in a theater; in the theater of your mind, however, only one actor can be on stage at a time. If the stage is left bare, thoughts of darkness and sin often enter the stage to tempt. But these thoughts have no power if the stage of your mind is occupied by wholesome thoughts, such as memorized hymn or verse of scripture that you can call upon in a moment of temptation. By controlling the stage of your mind, you can successfully resist persistent urges to yield to temptation and indulge in sin.
Fourth Knowledge
The lord commanded, “Seek learning, even by study and also by faith”. He also warned, “It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance”. Seek knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge. Study the scriptures every day, and also study the words of the living prophets. Give special attention to scripture passages you can use as you teach and as you answer questions about the restored gospel. DC 42 61

Monday, February 11, 2008

Cody's Farewell

My farewell was Sunday, February 10, 2008. It was fun having family and friends all together to celebrate my mission. I am going into the MTC on Wednesday Feb. 13. My bags are packed!